This week in Nursery


We have been celebrating the Year of the Dog through our learning activities. We learnt whether we were born in the Year of the Snake or Horse, written fortune cookie messages, practised eating with chopsticks and drew Chinese characters to say Kung Hei Fat Choy (Happy New Year). Chinese lanterns and fans have been created and dragon dances imitated as we listened to traditional Chinese music. We even answered the register each morning in Mandarin!

In Phonics we have practised blending and segmenting simple words such as c-a-t and relished our Superstar Challenge of finding objects in our class that began with the phoneme S. We are practising writing numbers to record our counting and have been learning how to recognise when two sets have the same amount. We particularly enjoyed our new Number of the Day music and movement session, which is helping with our numeral recognition too!

Next week sees World Book Day on Thursday. Please can your child bring into school his/her favourite book for a very special Show and Tell that day, thank you.


This week in Reception…


Chinese New Year was celebrated all over the world last weekend so that was our theme in class this week.

We shared a story called ‘Lanterns and Firecrackers’ which introduced us to the different ways that that Chinese New Year is celebrated. We were particularly inspired by the dragon and lion dances so we created our own enormous dragon to dance with. We used a variety of instruments to add some rhythm for the dancers. In the creative area, we made some smaller dragons and tried our hand at forming some Chinese letters.

Some super speaking and listening prompted interesting descriptive sentences about the dragons. We could use one of this week’s phonemes – ch – to write down our sentences. There was lots of mark making in the role play area too as menus were written and orders taken in the new Chinese restaurant. What did you eat your noodles with?

Working out the cost of the meals using coins was one of the Maths challenges. We put golden coins into the money wallets. We also had to create repeating patterns using two or three colours. What colour is considered lucky?

Our prayer table is now purple for the season of Lent. Remember that this week our Lenten promise was to be kind.

Remember your hats and gloves next week!






Great to be back, Year 5 have had another varied and enjoyable week.

We ‘made sense’ of the Bible passage Matthew 25:35-40 and related it to our own lives.

In English we began  our new class reader, wrote wonderful narrative pieces about finding Ancient Greek pottery and began work on our Easter play.

The pots illustrating our Greek Myth look amazing and we discovered (decorated) pieces of Ancient Greek pottery.

We became AMAZING at converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, ordering improper fractions and making links with multiplication facts.

Sorry if your homes are filled with experimental helicopters this weekend, it is science I promise!

This week in Year 2


Wow, Year 2 came back ready to work really hard this week.

In our English lessons this week we looked at how to extend and improve our sentences.  We developed our comprehension skills and answered questions about short extracts.  We were careful to make sure that we used full sentences for our answers.


In our Maths lessons we have been learning about “Multiples”  we found numbers that are multiples of 2, multiples of 5 and multiples of 10.  We found numbers that belong in all these sets.  We thought about the importance of the final digit in helping us to know if a number is a multiple of 2, 5 or 10.  Well done Year 2.


Kate from the museum visited us and provided an exciting introduction to our “Great Fire of London” topic. We found out when and where the fire started. We learned about the conditions that allowed the fire to spread so quickly. It was fantastic to be able to handle different building materials, read about the events and compare then and now pictures.

Year 1 


The children wrote their own ‘Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus’ stories this week, trying to include exclamations and questions. We shared our stories with our friends in Year 2 who were very impressed with our writing! 

We learned about Lent and made Lenten promises to give up something we really enjoy. We have been thinking about the trigraphs ear and air in Phonics this week did some phoneme spotting to find lots of different ways of making these sounds. You did a really great job Year 1!

Have a lovely half- term everyone and a well deserved rest! 

This Week in Year Four


This week in Year Four I have enjoyed reading some brilliant writing about Ivan’s latest adventure on his way to rescue his brother from the evil Starjik. We have also been thinking about properties of shape by learning about symmetry and angles. In RE, we have been preparing for the start of Lent after half term by writing prayers, and thinking about small sacrifices we can make in order to make things better for everyone. We have also been working hard to make printing plates for our own mountain prints- I look forward to seeing the finished pieces up on the wall! Happy Half Term everyone! Have a lovely week and see you back in school a week on Monday!

This week in Nursery


We have had a lovely week writing, drawing and retelling  upon a time stories and repeating and creating  patterns with colours and shapes. Our superstar challenge was to find the letter sound that our hames began with and then to find other objects in our learning environment that began with that sound. We have become really good at this over the week and Mrs Hurley even ran out of superstar stickers and had to get some more!

Thank you to everyone who was able to stay for our maths-focus Busy Fingers session this morning. The children are so proud to show others what they have been learning and it was fantastic to see so many of you.

Have a wonderful half term, full of fun and laughter!

Our week in Year 6


A last push before half term! 
In Maths this week we have been looking at using efficient operations for word problems and applying this to lots of different types of reasoning questions. 

In English we have looked at persuasive texts. We constructed balanced arguments for whether the Internet is a friend or foe. We have also taken part in mini debates within our group where we discussed topics such as school uniform, footballers earnings and whether the school should be closed for snow! Everybody played their part and argued their points extremely well. 

In RE we looked at how Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice of his death enabled us to become closer to God and the ways in which we can offer ourselves up to God. 

We have also looked at Internet Safety. We focused on how we can create a safer Internet by respecting each other whilst playing and chatting online. Our personal experiences were a great help when thinking about how different scenarios make us feel and what we can do if we feel unhappy about comments or actions. 
Have a great half term!