This week in Reception…


A wonderful week to end a wonderful year.

Toy day today summed up the children’s attitude and how far they have come with their learning…

Child came up to me and said “Mrs Cooper, I’m sharing my toy with E and he is sharing his with L.” He went off smiling. Made my day! dav

Reception children you have been an amazing class to teach and Reception parents you have been a great supportive family. Thank you for all the very kind words and generous gifts. Have a super holiday.

Love, Mrs Cooper, Miss Jones and Miss Olejnik.

Goodbye Year 2


What an amazing Year Two!

A huge thank you to the children for working hard, having fun and being cheerful.  It really has been a pleasure to teach you this year.  Working in partnership with such a fabulous and supportive group of parents has been a real privilege. Many thanks! Have a great summer.IMG_3728

Thank you Year 1


Thank you so much for such a fantastic year, Year 1. Miss Bartesaghi and I are going to really miss seeing your lovely faces every day.

Thank you also to your lovely parents for the kindness and generosity you have shown us. We have been so lucky to have your help and support this year.

Have a wonderful summer with your families and keep yourselves safe

Love from

Ms Coleman and Miss Bartesaghi xxx


Farewell Year 6


What a truly wonderful assembly this morning!

There is only one you! You are all absolutely stunning individuals and we will miss you dearly. You will always be part of St. Margaret Clitherow School. Remember to use the wonderful gifts that God has given you and be the best that you can possibly be.

God Bless

Your family at St. Margaret Clitherow School xxx

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