God bless you Mrs Edmonds x


In assembly this afternoon we said farewell to Mrs Edmonds who has helped so many children over her fantastic 15 years at this school.

All 211 children had either a hug or a kind word for her on the way out of assembly. 

Thank you Mrs E for the lovely gifts that you left us with. We promise to keep up our excellent efforts with your reading challenge next year! 

This week in Reception…


Autumn was definitely in the air in Reception this week as we sorted and counted conkers, explored the shapes of leaves and created Autumn pictures by ordering numbers. We made our own play dough mixing red and yellow colouring to create different shades of orange and added cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger to make it smell lovely. Even our construction this week was enhanced by using autumn leaves.

Can you spot our new classmate helping us with the deckchairs?

Our week in Year 1 


This week the Year One children were lucky enough to take part in the mini-olympics at Stevenage Leisure Centre and had a fabulous morning taking parts in dance, athletics and games. Well done Year One for being such a great team and really persevering with the activities we took part in- you were a real credit to St. Margaret Clitherow school. We learned lots about the Harvest Festival this week and were excited to write invitations to our families asking them to attend our school mass. In Maths we have started our learning about time and learned about o’clock times today whilst saving Little Red Riding Hood from the jaws of the Big Bad Wolf! Have a wonderful weekend everybody!


This week in Nursery…


…has been full of autumnal investigations, activities and observations.

At the start of the week we went on an autumn walk around the school grounds, collecting evidence of the new season. We then used our leaves, conkers, acorns, twigs and pine cones to support our learning and created our own hedgehog houses to experience what it might feel like to hibernate.

In Maths we enjoyed sorting, using our noticing skills to observe patterns, using conkers to practise counting and comparing quantities.

In Phonics, we practised alliteration by using describing words: crazy conkers, hairy hedgehog, amazing acorns and lovely leaves to name but a few.

We have been developing our fine motor skills by investigating what is inside a pumpkin, making leaf hedgehogs, cooking our own cinnamon playdough and threading leaves to make necklaces. This morning we were joined by some of our wonderful parents for Busy Fingers and our morning prayer; the children loved showing you their skills and their class!


This Week In Year Four


imageimageimageThis week in Year Four……..

We have learned about adjectives and noun phrases and used them to describe dragons! We have also worked on doubling and halving and the relationship between multiplication and division.In R.E we explored The Jewish celebration of Passover. Ask Year Four about the Seder plate. We have also found out about firework safety and written some great poems!

Mrs White and I were very impressed with your work on time Year Year Four.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could practise your new found skills at home?




This week in Year 6


We’ve had another busy week in Year 6. In literacy we looked at Phillip Pullman’s Northern Lights and wrote about our own dæmons – the children had some fantastic ideas! A dæmon is a type of fictional being of a person’s ‘inner-self’ that takes the form of an animal. We also looked at expanded noun clauses.
Our topic in numeracy this week was angles. We estimated the size of angles, measured angles, drew angles and then calculated missing angles! We worked out angles on a line, in a right angle, in a triangle, around a point, in a quadrilateral and we even included vertically opposite angles! Phew! 😳
We wrote our own ‘Go Light Your World’ reflections on the laptops and decorated it by putting an image behind our writing using Word.
Well done to the children who read and served in Mass on Tuesday!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Super Story Writing in Year 2


This week Year 2 produced some excellent new chapters for the class novel “The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.”  They used some excellent adjectives to describe the dark and thought of some wonderful ideas about why Plop the owl should not be afraid.   In our grammar lessons we have been learning about  past tense verbs and I was very impressed to see the children apply this work in their story writing.  We researched another nocturnal animal too finding out all about hedgehogs.

In maths this week we were working with some big numbers learning about hundreds, tens and ones.  We completed some tricky challenges involving some numbers in the hundreds.

In RE we thought about being thankful and made THANKYOU cards for God.  We enjoyed the Harvest Mass and said our prayers beautifully.

This week was Parents’ Consultation week and we used this opportunity to reflect on how we are getting on in Year 2, the progress we have made already and what we want to achieve next. It seems incredible that we have only been in Year 2 for 6 weeks as we have already improved our work so much.

This week the Wednesday Word was about Prayer and we saying the “Our Father” everyday to make sure we know this special prayer perfectly.  We are also learning to pray the “Hail Mary” as October is one of Mary’s special months.