This week in Nursery


We have had a butterfly focus week, thanks to our class cocoons being shed and the wonderful emergence of fabulous Painted Lady butterflies. We waited a day to let their wings dry out from their time in the cocoon and then invited our friends in Reception to join us as we laid them on leaves down the Wiggly Path. After the holidays, we are going in search of any eggs that may have been laid, ready for the life cycle to begin again.

Inspired by our butterflies, we used ribbons and fabric wings in PE to move like butterflies and then practised our joining skills by creating caterpillars and butterflies from recycled materials.

in Maths, we have been learning about pattern and copying and creating patterns following our observations of minibeasts. We have also used our butterfly paintings to learn about symmetry. In Phonics we have continued to practise segmenting words, particularly paying attention to the end sound.

Nursery have a wonderful half term, you have worked really hard and deserve it!


This week in Reception…


This week was challenge week in Reception.

Our English challenge included looking for words in the rice shaker to write a sentence with. We also had to record the stories we invented in Discover and do in different ways.


Maths challenges included finding different coins to total six. We also used coins to count in twos, fives and tens. We also worked on capacity when we made our musical instruments.


A favourite challenge was building a marble run using Lego. One day we even had to make a enormous run for the giant marbles the fairies had left in Reception garden.

Everyone agreed that the hardest challenge was the tidy up one! Happy half term Reception.



In RE we made our own personal responses to a lovely film, a letter from God.

imageIn maths we manipulated numbers by considering different scenarios in car parks

We explored the number of cars on each level, increasing and decreasing the capacity of the car park and calculating the revenue when payments were paid. Great questioning year 5, you showed your confidence in number and money too!

I’m looking forward to reading these short passages about Michael and Kensuke…

imageAnd what do you think of the amazing monsters that we’ve completed?

What a Great Week


imageWishing you a happy half term Year Four!

We had an enjoyable week, planning our own dilemmas and describing tempting objects and places using lots of prepositions. We explored different ways of writing tenths and hundredths as well as working hard with Year Three to practise our contribution to the Stevenage Festival- it’s looking good! We had a brilliant day at West Stow and enjoyed preparing our noticing skills and improving our sketching skills by looking carefully to recreate the different shapes and lines we would find in the buildings there.

Enjoy your rest-I’m looking forward to our rainforest topic after half term!

This week in Year 1


We learned about 3D shapes this week and challenged ourselves to build 3D shapes with as many faces as possible. Well done Year 1 for being so resourceful when you suggested using the iPads to find out the names of some of the 3D shapes we had made. We were excited to learn that some of us had made a triangular dipyramid! On Wednesday we went on a shape hunt looking for 3D shapes around the school. 

We have been working really hard thinking about the building learning power characters this week and worked together like the ants to create posters explaining everything we knew about reciprocity and being resilient, resourceful and reflective. 

We have also had a very reflective week thinking about all the wonderful things we have done and learned in Year One, and written some brilliant comments for our end of Year reports. 

Well done Year One! 

This Week in Year Two


Year Two helped Mrs S. To create some stunning floral displays for the Flower Festival at St. Hilda’s this weekend.

We watched a video of “Austin’s Butterfly” and learnt about drafting and improving our work.

In Literacy we wrote a class story with each person adding a sentence.  Then we used this to create our own version, making a good story great!

In Maths we continued to apply our knowledge to some tricky word problems.  I was particularly impressed by the “Fraction Problems” you solved Year Two.


This week in Year 6


We had a great start to the week in Year 6; we went bowling!! If only every Monday could start with such a fun activity!


In French the children looked at WW2 vocabulary with Mrs Hurley.

We looked at Islam this week in our RE lessons, finding out about Zakat and Halal and Haram foods.

Our York project has started and the children used hyperlinks in PowerPoint to connect their slides about the various places we will visit.

We also managed to squeeze in a a couple of script reads of the Wizard of Oz!

Have a fantastic half term break! Remember, no scripts will be allowed when we come back, so learn your lines and practise the songs!