This week in Reception…


WOW! What a week. Reception you have been amazing and really have shown LOVE in ACTION!

Our Love in Action theme was Solidarity and Peace; we like a challenge in Reception, so first we decided to find out what each word means. We thought about how we are all made in the image of God and created some self portraits using mirrors before we talked about our family backgrounds. Our definition of solidarity is being part of God’s world family and all being responsible for that community.

Two donkeys arguing over their food helped us to understand more about Peace and when that peace is ‘broken’. We decided that to help maintain peace we need to say sorry AND to forgive. Year Three came to share with us their experiences of Reconciliation and how they make up with their friends. Love in Action was also evident in the team work and sharing that was seen at the Open morning on Friday.

This week we also squeezed in our very hot and sunny class trip to Knebworth house and  welcomed some new members of the school community to our Reception classroom – some Nursery and preschool pupils who will be joining Reception in September, as well as, six ducklings.

Rest up everyone, as we have Sports Day next week;  remember to look for a top or t-shirt in your house colour to wear on Wednesday.


‘Love In Action’ in Year One 


We have had such a super week! Our theme in Year One has been ‘Community and Participation’ and Year One really have been getting involved and giving everything their all this week. Thank you to everyone who joined us and Year Five on Monday for our Granparent’s tea party. The children were really pleased to see the snacks they had prepared in the morning being enjoyed in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we joined together with Year Five again and went to the woods to make land art using the natural materials we found. Year One really enjoyed working with some of the older members of our school community who we don’t often get a chance to work with so thank you very much Year Five! 

Thank you also to all the parents who came to our open morning this morning during which we revisited some of the themes we have been thinking about this week. The children made rakhi bracelets which are given as a gift to friends and siblings in Hinduism as a symbol of love and friendship and also were given the challenge of making something new from some plastic waste. Well done Year One! 

This week in Reception…


What a fabulous day at Knebworth Park. We met Storysaurus and helped him to tell a story. We then had two challenges…to cross the rapid river (with the troll under the bridge) and to find the gorilla in the maze. We managed both.

After lunch, we climbed and slid and swung and crawled all over the fort. We also worked as a team to push the lever to make the fountain spray water…this was a particular favourite.

Thank you to Reception children for being such super representatives of the St Margaret Clitherow community – you made all the adults really proud. Thank you also to all the adults who came and helped – the children and I are not sure who had more fun!

Have a good rest everyone!





Hiding on the edge of the play equipment was the beautiful privet Hawkmoth, well done to those who spotted it, there were also two others against the gate at the end of the wiggly path.  

 Year 5 had a great time along the path this week, spotting burnet moth caterpillars and cocoons amongst the meadow grasses, managed to save a dying bee by providing sugared water and spied a newt by the water tub.

This week in Reception…


This week, we have been using our outside area to enhance our learning. We used the iPads  to record our own learning. What do you think of our photography skills?

Remember to get your things ready for our school trip…we need to find out if those dinosaurs are real or not.  The forecast is looking hot and sunny (at the moment) so find your sun cream and sun hat, put your name on them and bring them to school on Tuesday.