Assembly 1st day back after Easter

We don’t usually get together as a whole school on Thursday but Mr White couldn’t wait to Thursday to sing an alleluia!

Can you remember what alleluia means, coming from two Hebrew words?

Miss Holder led us in an ‘alleluia sandwich’ before we listened to the Easter Sunday Gospel from St John.

We then noticed that our Easter garden was based upon the Gospel passage that we had just listened to. What symbols can you see in it?


We talked about the symbolism of the Easter or Paschal candle: the alpha and omega; the five wounds of Christ; and the fact hat it reminds us that Jesus’ light has come into the world.


This reminded us that we had been preparing throughout Lent to be the best person we could possibly be and that now we had reached Easter that this had to continue so that we could be Jesus’ bright lights in the world.


Assembly – 2nd day of Lent – Thursday 6th April


We began with a netball match report …… congratulations to our team: 22 – 2 demonstrates a team being the very best people that they can be – well done!

We reminded ourselves of the ashes that were placed on our foreheads yesterday – a sign that our special Lenten journey had begun.


Did you notice the extra splashes of purple everywhere yesterday even on some of the adults clothes! Your prayers tables all look beautiful draped in purple. Watch out for a new dramatic purple addition to the hall over the next week!!!

We listened to this week’s Gospel according to Matthew and thought about how Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, coming to terms with and accepting His ministry which would eventually lead to His death and resurrection to save us, could be linked to our 40 days of preparation.

Mr White explained his temptations … yes …. crisps again …. I will be tempted every time I see the big box in the kitchen … and the packet on my desk …. but I am going to try to be really good this year …..


I explained that I probably spend about £5 per week on crisps. That isn’t great for my health (or my wallet). By giving up crisps for Lent I will be doing something good for my body – you might even notice a slimmer, trimmer, faster Mr White over the next 40 days!

I explained that I would be putting my £5 into my CCSW box each week in assembly.



We talked about what my £5 might pay for …. An icecream for a brother and sister who haven’t ever visited the seaside before; cereal for a hungry family for a week; a return bus ticket for a mum and a child who normally have to walk from one end of the town to the other to get to school; new socks for someone too embarrassed to take their plimsoles off at school. We discussed how this money might help someone living in Stevenage.

I explained that I would find it hard and admitted that last year I even failed on a few occasions and gave in to temptation! This year I pledge to give double my weekly amount if I fail in any week and I will be revealing how I have done in assembly each week. Keeping asking me how it is going! I need all the help I can get!!!!!

We don’t need to be heroic to be the best we are – God’s people aren’t super brave super heroes they just try to be the best they can be. We all enjoyed singing (very loudly) my favourite song about that!!!!


Remember to fill up your CCSW bright stars boxes – my two youngest started tonight and they cleared my small change pot – they did ask me first though. Now it’s their turn to earn some of their own pennies for the box – how will you earn yours?

Let us all make a BIG difference this LENT …

Be the best you can be – shine your light brightly – don’t hide it!!!